Category: Evolution
Posts about evolution, science, and the philosophy of science
Science vs. religion, evolution vs. creation, “blind watchmaker” vs. “intelligent designer,” and other related debates are a national undercurrent in America. The USA is quite unique among developed nations in that these debates remain, while in most developed nations “science” has “won,” and few people self-report as religious.
The following posts and discussions are intended to offer clarity about how science really works, what evolutionary theory really says, and how these facts impinge upon the plausibility of “supernaturalism” and spirituality.
Mainstream Fossil Interpretation
Mainstream evolutionists are well-represented by the following short video clip, as they use various inferences and argumentation to interpret what the fossil record shows.
Fossils and Transitional Forms — This 9-minute clip argues that the fossil record does beautifully support …
Ring Species–Ensatina Salamanders
Please first watch the 3:15-minute YouTube video (which opens in a new page/tab), and then come back to this page to read the analysis of the argumentation.
Now, let us consider the important points….
We do not find any hybrids …
Ring Species–Greenish Warbler
Start by watching this about 4-minute video on YouTube (which displays in a new window/tab), and then return here for critique.
First, of significant note are the comments on the YouTube page. The arrogance and stridency exhibited in the comments …